Yoldoshkhan Isaev, Tohir Evadullaev, Mashrab Khidirov and Bayozkhan Makhmudov, scientific staff of the Imam Bukhari International Scientifik Research Center started advanced training at the Institute of Islamic Thought in Ankara, Turkey. During the visit of the delegation of IBISRC to this institute in May of this year, it was agreed to start the summer training program, and the first round of training was scheduled to start in August.
Researchers of Imam Moturidiy and Imam Termizi international research centers, pedagogues-employees of Imam Termizi secondary-special Islamic educational institution are also participating in this training. In these training, the teachers and professors of the Institute of Islamic Thought are providing information in Arabic and Turkish about usul-fiqh, usul-hadith, logic, Islamic philosophy and the achievements of Movarounnahr scholars in the field of science.
Today, the head of the institute, professor, Dr. Mehmet Gormez met with scientific researchers from Uzbekistan. At the meeting organized in a constructive spirit, our country’s representatives gave detailed information about the work being carried out in the field of religious and educational activities in our country. In particular, the head of the department of Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center Tohir Evadullaev made a speech about scientific activities, translations, and publication work at the Center, as well as campaign activities under the principle of “Enlightenment against Ignorance”.
In turn, Professor Gormez recognized the great scientific value of scientists from the Central Asian region, who made a worthy contribution to the world civilization and the rich spiritual treasure they left behind. And expressed his satisfaction with the like-mindedness in researching the works of scholars and wished the researchers to succeed in their professional careers.
Training courses for scientific staff last one month.