Home / NEWS / An American Scientist, Our Compatriot Has Presented the Center with a 14-Volume Britannica Encyclopedia

An American Scientist, Our Compatriot Has Presented the Center with a 14-Volume Britannica Encyclopedia

There are people rightly earning reputations both at home and abroad. Such people are a source of pride and prestige for the country and a respected public figure. Because it benefits both the motherland and other countries. It is through these people that the glory of the country is exalted.

Dr. Akram Habibullaev is currently an Adjunct Professor of Near Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois (USA) and is currently a Bibliographer for the Middle East, Central-Eurasia and Islamic Studies at Indiana University (USA).

The scientist travels to many countries, lectures on the problems of Arabic studies and Islamic studies to professors and teachers at various universities and research centers, undergraduates and students studying “Oriental Studies”.

Akram Habibullaev graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Tashkent State University in 1984. He has a Ph.D. degree in philology and source studies at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. He has held a Masters Degree in Library and Information Studies from Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. Oxford Center for Islamic Studies (UK), University of Pennsylvania (USA), Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies (USA), cataloging at the University of Chicago (USA).

He is a member of the Central-Asian Studies Society, the Association of Librarians of the Middle East, the American Librarians Association, and the Islamic Manuscripts Association.

He can speak Russian, Arabic, English, Persian and several Turkish languages.

Has good translation experience (Yemen and Libya).

This amazing our compatriot presented a 14-volume Britannica Encyclopedia to the Imam Bukhari International Research Center as a gift from Indiana University.

Britannica is the oldest universal encyclopedia in the United States. It was founded by Scottish educators – the carpenter Andrew Bell (1726-1809) and Colin McFarcart (1745-1793), who specializes in book sales and publishing. The first edition of William Smelley (1740-1795) was published in Edinburgh, 1768-1771. Published in the US from 1901 (headquartered in Chicago), of the country major universities are its advisers.

Akram Habibullaev also presented the English and German editions of “Al-Asmo Al-Husna” (The Beautiful Names of the Creator).

 Press service IBISRC
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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