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The Role Of Women In Islam

What do the scholars say about this?

 On August 13, Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan was hold a training seminar with a lecturer from Stanford University, Doctor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Aziza Shonazarova.

It is well known that many of the great scholars and thinkers from Movarounnahr, who have made a significant contribution to the development of not only Islam, also the Muslim world in various periods of history. This is why there are many places of worship in Uzbekistan, the rarest manuscripts in our scientific institutions, and the fact that the ancestors’ memorial complexes are the most popular sites of international tourism.

Great work is being done to continue the traditions of our great ancestors, to preserve, study, implement and promote they are invaluable scientific and educational heritage.

In particular, Islamic education focuses on enhancing women’s participation in such important areas as public administration, lawmaking, small business, and private entrepreneurship.

This is the theme of this seminar-training was organized by Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center – on the theme with the Council of Young Scientists of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. The history of women in Islam, one of the most common religions in the world, discussed women’s verses and their interpretations, and the role played by women in the hadith.

Aziza Shonazarova’s report was titled “The Role of Women in Islam in the Eyes of Scientists”. She spoke about differences in ijma and ijtihad, modern interpretations of the role of women in Islam, and scientific theories of famous Muslim scholars. Examples include women’s and gender issues discussed in the studies of Leyla Ahmad (Harvard University), Fatima Mernessi (Sorbonne University), Amina Waddood (University of Virginia), Saba Mahmood (Berkeley University), women’s views on the hijab, women’s role in Islamic religion The second point is about theories related to the “Hammurapi Act”.

A Stanford University lecturer at the top of the US Innovative Higher Education Rankings noted that the scholars of the Quran have been commenting and explaining on the Quran, noting that they are equal in Islam to the men and the women. However, in Muslim-majority societies, certain topics are not mentioned in terms of humanity, and women do not know their religious rights and do not improve their medical culture. In this regard, the scholar spoke about the differences between marriage, divorce, the conditions of contraception in Islam, and the attitude to these issues in other religions.He said that about 40 percent of the authentic hadiths originated from the wife of the Prophet (s.a.w), from the ‘A’isha.

Aziza Shonazarova also spoke about the “Mazhar al-Ajoyib” written by Hafez Basir, the great representative of the Sufi women in Central Asia and  about “Hazrati Qizbibi”

During the training, the sides discussed issues of cooperation in the field of science between the Imam Bukhari International Research Center and Stanford University.

The conference continued in the form of discussion and discussion between the speaker and the participants.

Press service
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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