A promoter group consisting of representatives of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, the Samarkand Regional Department of the Committee on Religious Affairs and the Samarkand State University visited the Samarkand region on October 9.

At the meeting in the mahalla of “Andijani”, practical recommendations were given related to improving the culture of Internet use, strengthening ideological immunity against ideological and information attacks, constant priority attention to national and universal values, the ability to adequately respond to extremism, fanaticism and other threats.

At the event held in the mahalla “Badal”, it was noted that the true essence and ultimate goal of the reforms carried out in our country is to protect the spirituality of our people from foreign ideas in today’s difficult and threatening times, the development of our long-standing national values, the education of our citizens. Еducate young people in the spirit of loyalty to the Motherland, let our children grow up to be a generation worthy of great ancestors, highly spiritual, with a formed national identity, not indifferent to the fate of themselves and others, able to take responsibility for the future of the country.
At the events, in order to preserve a healthy worldview and creativity in our society, it was called upon to ensure the integrity of spiritual education in the family, educational institutions, to put an end to such vices as indifference to the fate of the country, disrespect for family values and an irresponsible approach to the education of young people.

Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Press service

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