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2-showcase. PEDIGREE

A pedigree written on oriental paper, glued on the back with a white cloth, measuring 3 meters 20 cm long and 30 cm wide. The first 55 lines of the pedigree contain the Hutbu in Arabic-Persian, hadiths and narratives that exalt the descendants of the Prophet.

1. Section. The genealogy from Adam to the Prophet Muhammad is written in 20 lines.

2. Section. Family line from the Prophet to Zayn al-Obidin. (21 lines)

3. Section. Information about the sons of Hazrat Ali, Hassan and Hussein, who are the grandchildren of the Prophet and a verse glorifying them, which contains the name of the daughter of the Prophet Fatima. (55 lines)

4. Section. Brief praises of Ibrahim (Abraham). (20 lines)

Written without a table, they contain phrases of texts, information about the death of some people and information about the history of the past. The pedigree is written in black in the “Nasta‘liq” style in Arabic and Persian. Sealed with 12 seals.

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