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Each sample is unique!

On May 22, a workshop on “History of the Turkic Ebru (Paper marbling)” was held at Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center in cooperation with Marmara University in Turkey.

Scientific staff of the Center, “Ustoz-Shogird” center of applied arts in Bukhara, leaders of the “Ezoz” association of culture and art workers of Samarkand region, members of the Union of Craftsmen under the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, employees of the National Center for training pedagogues in new methods of Samarkand region, doctoral and master’s students of Samarkand State University participated at workshop.

And the head of the Department of Islamic History and Art of the Institute of Social Sciences of Marmara University, Dr. Sumaira Ojak Ahmad made a speech on the topic. Nuri Pinar, an artist from Izmir, also put forward the opinion that the art of ebru first appeared in Central Asia. She said that this type of art came to Anatolia from Samarkand through Iran at the time when paper production developed and its decoration became a tradition.

In the second part of the event, Dr. Ojak gave a master class on the art of reputation to the participants. The participants were shown the technique of creating examples of ebru art in water.

There are different ways to create a work in this direction. Any image can be created – flowers, people, natural landscapes, abstract pictures, in short, everything that can be depicted on ordinary paper with a simple brush. In the workshop, each participant had the opportunity to paint in water.

Each creative sample was written down on paper and presented to the owner.

At the end of the seminar, the participants were given certificates by the organizers.

Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Press service

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