Imam Bukhari International Scholarship program is founded under the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center. The program is developed for foreign researchers engaged in the study of the history and culture of Central Asia, as well as the life and scientific heritage of great scholars and scientists such as Imam Bukhari who grew up in this land.
Research Fellowships – A program that does not cover financial costs but Research Fellow will be provided with shared office accommodation, and 2-room comfort apartment on the balance of the center. All other financial costs are covered by candidates on their own during the study.
- Foreign researchers;
- Have a doctorate or comparable academic degree (Ph.D., D.Sc. or equivalent) or PhD applicants;
- Language proficiency in one of these languages: English, Arabic, Russian, Uzbek;
Application timeline: From 1st October to 20th December 2023 ( for 2024)
Candidates will be notified within one month after being selected by the Commission.
To apply for the Imam Bukhari International Scholarship, please click here (Go to Application).
For more information
The Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center is carrying out large-scale work to restore the ancient history and rich culture of our people, and is consistently continuing study and promote the scientific, religious and spiritual heritage of Central Asian great scientists and scholars. The Center was organized with the aim of deep research and wide dissemination of the rich heritage of the great thinkers of the Muslim world, their invaluable contribution to the development of world civilization and science, educating the younger generation in the spirit of fidelity and awareness of the true values of Islam such as inter-ethnic and inter-religious tolerance, mutual respect, strengthening peaceful coexistence, as well as, with the aim of strengthening international dialogue and mutual cooperation in spiritually enlightening.
Currently, research at the Centre is concentrated within the following areas:
- Islamic sciences, including Hadith, Kalam, Fiqh, Tafsir, Sufism (Tasawwuf);
- Life and scientific legacy of Central Asian scholars and scientists (Imam Bukhari, Imam Termidhi and etc.);
- History and scientific and cultural heritage of the peoples of Central Asia;
- Oriental Manuscripts, Islamic Art and Culture.
although we welcome fellowship applications from scholars conducting research in a diverse range of topics concerning Islamic Science.
Scholarship type
Research Fellowships – A program that does not cover financial costs but Research Fellow will be provided with shared office accommodation, and 2-room comfort apartment on the balance of the center. All other financial costs are covered by candidates on their own during the study.
Applications are tenable at the Centre for the academic year from April to October 2023 for two months.
Application Rounds
- The application window opens in October 2023 and closes in December 2024 for those wishing to apply for Research Fellowships.
Research Fellowship Program
- These Visiting Research Fellowship is open to foreign researchers engaged in the study of the history and culture of Central Asia and are intended to encourage interaction among academics from different traditions of learning. Preference will be given to those studying the life and scientific heritage of Central Asian great scholars and scientists such as Imam Bukhari and Imam Tirmidhi, although other areas in the humanities and social sciences will be considered.
- Applicants should normally be at the postdoctoral or at least at the doctoral research level. Each Visiting Research Fellow will be provided with shared office accommodation, and 2-room comfort apartment on the balance of the center. The Research Fellowship program is intended as a supplementary award and may be held in conjunction with other research grants, stipends, or sabbatical salaries. Visiting Fellows are expected to devote their time to research and writing and to participate in the Centre’s academic activities.
Applying for Research Fellowship program
A full application consists of an application form completed online via the Center’s website plus supporting documents uploaded or emailed separately to the Center:
- Completed application form (completed via the Centre’s website at click here)
- a brief description of proposed research (up to 1000 words)
- samples of publications, if available (a maximum of two)
- a copy of the candidate’s education and specialization documents;
- curriculum vitae (CV);
- a recommendation by at least two experts — a scientist or a professor.
- it is advisable to attach the following documents to the application: language proficiency document: Arabic, English, Russian or Uzbek; certificate of international importance.
(The file size of each supporting document must be at least 300 dpi to ensure the authenticity of each document attached to the application.)
All the documents and letters of recommendation should be sent to or by post to: Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, Khoja Ismoil Town, Payarik District 141306 Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all application materials including recommendation letters are submitted by the closing date. Complete applications will be acknowledged.
Selection Process
All eligible applications will be considered by the Centre’s Visiting Fellowships Selection Commission, through screening, shortlisting and selection stages. This can take some time and the patience of applicants whilst this process completes is requested. As a guide outcomes are generally notified by early February.
The criteria for selection of Research Fellows are:
- evidence of academic excellence including quality of publications
- relevance of the proposed research to the overall aims of the Centre
- relevance of the proposed research to the current academic research priorities of the Centre
- potential to contribute to and benefit from interdisciplinary interaction with other Centre Fellows and/or Visiting Fellows
At the shortlisting stage applicants may be contacted to verify that they are still interested in pursuing their application and that they have the financial means to take up their award if selected.
All applicants will be contacted with an outcome:
- A notification that award has been offered.
- A notification that no award has been offered.
Please note that the failure to award a research fellowship does not necessarily reflect on the deemed quality of the application and therefore the Center does not routinely provide feedback on applications. There is a limited number of available spaces at the Centre and the criteria above may mean that one high quality application is favored above another.
If an offer is made the applicant will receive a letter detailing the exact terms of the award including any stipend payable by the Center or fee payable to the Center, together with the proposed dates of the fellowship.
Terms & Conditions of Visiting Research Fellowships
Please note the following terms & conditions for taking up a Visiting Research Fellowship:
- All visiting fellows are expected to reside in Samarkand during term time. Center is responsible for arranging an accommodation in Khoja Ismail Town for award holders.
- The Center is responsible for help to obtain any visas necessary to take up their visiting fellowship. Award holders are responsible for arranging their travel to and from Uzbekistan. The Center will provide supporting letters for visa applications as well.
- Visiting fellows are expected to play a full part in the life of the Center during their stay. This normally includes attending Center’s events, any public lectures, Special and Fellows seminars, delivering at least one Fellows’ Seminar.
- Visiting fellows are expected to make a presentation on the topic of their research and publish an article on the Center’s journal.
Visiting Fellows are expected to acknowledge the Centre in any research publications originating from their time at the Centre and to share copies of these with the Centre.
Click here for download application guidelines
International office of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Khoja Ismoil Town, Payarik District, 14130б Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan
Tel.: +998 66 240 20 18