Home / NEWS / Researchers of the IBISRC Can Study and Research Based On Turkish Grants

Researchers of the IBISRC Can Study and Research Based On Turkish Grants

On November 15, the head of the Turkish Department of Turkic and fraternal peoples abroad the Republic of Turkey Abdullah Eren visited Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center and were acquainted with the activities of the institution.

Abdullah Eren began his visit from the Imam Bukhari Memorial Complex. Here the Koran was recited for the Sultan of hadiths. The guest then reviewed the facilities for researchers and students at the International Research Center and Hadith School.

During the visit, a roundtable was held with the participants of the Center scientific staff. Shukrullo Umarov deputy Director of the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center informed about the establishment, goals, and objectives of the Center, international cooperation and research activities, achievements. The information on the work carried out in our country in recent years under the leadership of President Shavkat Mirziyoev to further strengthen friendly relations with neighboring countries and fraternal peoples, to develop social and humanitarian spheres was also provided.

In particular, it was emphasized that the Center has strengthened ties with research institutions and centers in Turkey.

Abdullah Eren spoke about the activities of the Turkish Department of Turkic and fraternal peoples abroad in the Republic of Turkey.

– Our department was established to strengthen relations with foreign citizens and fraternal people of the Republic of Turkey, mainly working in three directions. Strengthening ties with the Turkish diaspora outside of Turkey, expanding ties with fraternal peoples, and providing scholarships to foreign students in Turkey are our focus. There are currently about 150,000 foreign students in Turkey, of which over 1,000 are Uzbeks. Currently, 17,000 students receive free education through the ADB grant. 150 of them are young people from Uzbekistan, – said the guest.

Abdullah Eren said he was fortunate to visit the grave of Imam Bukhari, the well-known scholar in Samarkand.

He noted that in Uzbekistan there are great scientists and thinkers, who made a worthy contribution to the development of both religious and secular sciences, and that he is happy to visit such a peaceful and great country.

– We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, who has created such a scientific institution for the good of the whole world.

The Turkish Department of Turkic and fraternal peoples abroad are ready for researchers of the IBISRC to allocate grants and create the necessary conditions for undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and postgraduate education at Turkish universities, ”  said Abdullah Eren.

At the end of the roundtable, Abdullah Eren was presented with souvenirs by the Center.

Press service
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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