Home / NEWS / Students of the Institute of Islamic Theology at the University Of Osnabruck in Germany Were Acquainted With the IBISRC Activities

Students of the Institute of Islamic Theology at the University Of Osnabruck in Germany Were Acquainted With the IBISRC Activities

A group of professors and students of the Institute of Islamic Theology at the University of Osnabruck Germany visited the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center in Samarkand and were acquainted with the activities of the Center.

The press service of the Center reports. The guests were informed in detail about the activities of the Center, initiated by the head of our state, research and translation activities. Special attention was paid to the development of scientific cooperation with reputable universities in the world. The exhibits, unique manuscript sources and wall paintings from the museum’s museum impressed the visitors. The round table was held with the representatives of the Islamic Theological Institute and the Center’s scientists. Taking into account the fact that this educational institution in Germany is working on a deep learn and extensive study of the scientific heritage of thinkers and scholars from the region of Movarunnahr, it was agreed to cooperate with Imam Bukhari International Research Center.

During the visit, the guests were acquainted with the activities of the Hadith School and talked with the students. German scientists noted that the country pays great attention to the religious and educational sphere.

Press service
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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