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The visit of Shukurjon Zukhurov

The chairperson of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Tajikistan Shukurjon Zukhurov visited the memorial complex of Imam Bukhari on 8 October.

The high-ranking guest then visited the IBISRC.

The high level of mutual trust based on mutual trust in the study of the Museum of the Center and the conversations with scientific personnel will promote the bilateral cooperation to the highest level.

It was noted that the visit of the Tajik parliamentary delegation to Uzbekistan is a vivid demonstration of the strengthening of the friendly, good-neighborly and strategic partnership between our countries.

Shukurjon Zukhurov closely acquainted with the activity of the center highly appreciated the conditions and wished the scientific staff success.

Press service IBISRC
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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