Home / NEWS / Doctor Sali Shasivari wrote a letter of thanks to the IBISRC

Doctor Sali Shasivari wrote a letter of thanks to the IBISRC

On August 25, International Conference on the theme “The Light coming From the Bottom of the Ages” was held at the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Dr. Sali Shahsivari director of the “Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Fund” in the UK participated in the conference.

After returning to his homeland, Doctor Sali Shasivari sent a letter of thanks to the Director of the IBISRC Sh Ziyodov. It includes: It was a pleasure to meet with you at the international conference “The Light coming From the Bottom of the Ages” as part of the “Cultural Heritage of Uzbekistan” week, to meet you, and to exchange ideas on several mutually beneficial proposals and projects. It was a great honor for me. Allow me to thank the members of your team for the professional honor and hospitality shown to the conference participants. The conference was very successful and informative.

Your desire to cooperate with the Fund and the memorandum of understanding between our institutions during the visit is very encouraging and important. We highly appreciate the prospects for cooperation in areas of mutual interest in the future.

I want to say good wishes and all success to you. Will wish prosperity in our communications.

Sincerely, Dr. Sali Shahsivari,
Managing Director of the “Al-Furqan Islamic Heritage Fund”
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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