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A Scientific Meeting With A Proficient Quran Hafiz

On July 29, 2019, Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center hosted a meeting with an expert Alijon Qori Fayzullah Mahdum in the reading of the Quran of Al-Azhar University in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The meeting was attended by researchers of the IBISRC and listeners of the Samarkand regional branch of the Training Center under the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

The scientific conversation was sincere. Sheikh Alijan-kori delivered an impressive speech on the importance of reading science, important events in the life of the imams, and especially the teachings of our contemporary teachers.

Especially the stories about the miraculous events in the life of the mentor made an impression on the audience.

During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on the state of reading science in Uzbekistan, plans for its development, imams’ letters and tasks and responsibilities of religious leaders. There is a general understanding of the practice of the Tajweed rules, and some of the rules are put into practice.

Alijon Qori Fayzulla Makhdum (Haydarov Alijon Fayzullaevich) is an Uzbek, child of Gallaorol district of Jizzakh region. In 1995 he was sent by the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan to Al-Azhar University in the Arab Republic of Egypt for the first time. He returned to the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1996 and was sent back in 1997 to continue his studies at Al-Azhar University by the Religious Committee under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the 478th order of the Cabinet of Ministers. He was a senior teacher in the Quranic science and reading. Sheikh Alijan-kori, who is the author of ten readings, is well versed in several of these recitations, and has been educated by dozens of scholars in Egypt, is also producing many students.

This year, Sheikh Alijan-kori is visiting many sights of the country under the heading “Travel with the Quran” and is bringing the Qur’an to the hearts of our people. In addition, a series of educational dialogues on “Muslim heart healing” on the site “Muslim.uz” are being prepared with his participation.

At the end of the scientific meeting, a separate conversation was held between the Deputy Director of the IBISRC Sh. Umarov and Sheikh Alijon-kori. During the meeting, detailed information about the activities of the center, in particular, the work of the “translation group”, which is dedicated to studying the life and legacy of our great thinkers, translating and delivering their unique works into the Uzbek language, has made a great impression on the Sheikh Alijan kori.

Sheikh Alijan-kori expressed his support for the initiatives and proposals of President Sh. Mirziyoev, who initiated the establishment of the Center, commenting on the Center’s building an international platform. He expressed his gratitude for the sincere meeting, expressing his willingness to cooperate closely with the Center, to assist in the continuation of cooperation and joint plans.


Press service
(Translated by N.O.Yusupov)

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