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A person free from extraneous ideas is calm

Hikmet and Ayshe Gultegin, laureates of the international scholarship program named after Imam Bukhari, who are currently practicing at the Center, presented their research. The scientific presentation organized under the theme “Life and heritage of the great Sufi and muhaddith, famous jurist, mutakallim and philosopher Muhammad ibn Ishaq Gulabadi” was dedicated to the life path, works and role of Abu Bakr Kalabadi in the development of hadith science. Kalabad neighborhood near Bukhara, where Alloma was born, is actually an Arabicized form of the name Gulabad. Since the letter “g” does not exist in Arabic, the place name has been changed to this format. Kalobadi, who is known by the titles “Tajul Islam” (Crown of Islam) and “Darboni Bukhara” (Gatekeeper of Bukhara), is also known as Kalobazi in modern Arabic and Persian sources. In the sources, his surname is “Abu Bakr”, “Tajul Islam”, “Sufi” (as a mystic), “Hafiz” (as a muhaddith), “Arif”, “Shaykh”, “Imam”, “Zahid” with various nisba and titles is mentioned.

Initially Dr. Ayshe Gultegin shared interesting facts about the scientist’s life, in addition to his sect and works. The future scholar, who received his primary education in the place where he was born and grew up, later began to study the religious and secular sciences that were widespread at that time, reading the works of eighty-four scholars on fiqh and hadith.

The Turkish researcher paid particular attention to the thinkers who mentored Kalobadi and the students he trained. Abu Bakr Kalabadi was a judge for a while. His main activity was related to conducting researches in the fields of science he studied, especially hadith, jurisprudence and mysticism, and writing fundamental works in this direction. The scholar, who deeply studied the history and teachings of Sufism, approached the field from the point of view of a researcher and was one of the first to lay the foundations of the theory of Sufism.

The practitioner also shared a number of thoughts and opinions of the scientist on the correct understanding of hadiths and Sunnah in general based on scientific evidence and real life examples.
The event continued with lively questions and answers.

Imam Bukhari International Research Center
Press service

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