By the Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On the Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026”, in the “Year of glorifying human dignity and active neighborhood”, within the framework on the implementation of the state program, The exhibition on the theme “Islamic art based on the works of Imam Bukhari” was organized at the Faculty of History and Ethnography of the University of Basel in Switzerland.

The exhibition was attended by pedagogues, students of the University of Basel, scientists and specialists of Islamic studies, state, and public figures, and representatives of the art field.

In the development of Islam and the Islamic civilization, high morals, love of science, and loyalty to the Motherland were praised in the works of Imam Bukhari, in the work of the exhibition, which was organized to widely promote good universal values through Islamic art, the works of well-known representatives of culture, such as famous miniaturist Davlat Toshev, experienced calligraphy artist Kamoliddin Abdullaev, young and talented artists – calligrapher Sheikha Abdullaeva, graphic artist Yaqub Beknazarov, and photographer Muhyiddin Ali was used.

The works were described and presented with hadiths. This made it possible for the participants of the exhibition to get to know the main sources of Islam better. The participants were also introduced to the international community with the cultural heritage of the Motherland of the Great Muhaddith through the works of the brightest and internationally recognized artists of Uzbekistan who professionally approach Islamic art, and are close to it in spirit.

Works related to such types of art as miniatures, calligraphy, book decoration, fine art, graphic art, and modern art installations were presented at the exhibition.

In the event, which reflected Imam Bukhari’s research and travels to collect authentic hadiths, the ideals of the noble religion – holy Islam, which embodies qualities such as peace, desire for knowledge, and tolerance, were promoted as universal human values. For information: this university is one of the oldest independent institutions of higher education in Europe, which was founded in 1460. Currently, about 13,000 students study in its seven faculties. In 1919, the College of Additional Education, the University of Seniors in 1997, and the Children’s University in 2004 were established under the university. Today, more than 40 historical museums are operating under it.

Imam Bukhari International Scientific Research Center
Press service

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