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This window displays copies (moulageas) of the books of Imam Bukhari – these are 4 copies of the manuscripts from 17th centuryof “Sahih al-Bukhari”- the second sacred source after the Qur’an, 2 copies of the 16th and 18th centuries of works “Sulosiyat al-Bukhari”, also a copy of the manuscript “Sahih al-Bukhari”from XX century.

There is also a lamp and an inkwell of the 9th century, a pencil case for 19th century, pencils and “lavh” of the 20th century.

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7th showcase

“Irshadas-Sari li sharkhiSahih al-Bukhari”, ShihabuddinAmad ibn Muhammad al-KhatibAskalani (Kastalyani), 19th century.